Wednesday, April 1, 2009
If you insist on using fallacious talking points, at least make them a LITTLE less stupid by using words in their correct context. When the government controls the means of production, that is not socialism. That is communism.
But, I guess it's not that big of a deal considering the whole argument is bunk, anyways. Obama and his administration have not taken over the means of production at GM. They simply put a condition on the money that they were giving them that basically said, "We don't want to give this much money to the CEO that has gotten GM into this mess." That's hardly taking over the company.
A Member of the Liberal Elite
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
So, I'm totally procrastinating on my spring cleaning. Granted, I have been busy with campaign work for Jared, but not so busy that I couldn't have gotten at least a little bit done. But, I only got about halfway through the list of things to do last week. This week, I've only done one thing of the remainder. Once I do go through things, though, I'll have a big pile of stuff for freecycle, I'm sure.
I've also been in a yarn craft funk again. I don't know why... I haven't knitted at all for a LONG time, and as for crochet, I'm working on a blanket, but I've only gotten halfway through the first square of it, because I'll take it out and do 3 or 4 rows and then get tired of it. I don't know what's up with that... for some reason, I've really been wanting to do needle point instead. I had one project that I had started a LONG time ago and never finished, so I took that out and finished it. It only took me about 2 weeks... I finished it last week.
I think it's just spring fever. I can't settle to anything, because I'm tired of being inactive all winter. I'm ready for it to be warm and sunny again so that I can get outside and ride my bike. :D I'm so excited that it's supposed to be over 50 degrees on Thursday... I may get out on the trail for a short ride if it's not too windy. I'm just ready for winter to be over. Come on, Spring!!!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
And, I got better just in time. Jared and I have been SO busy. Jared had the City council meeting on monday night and a meeting with John Laesch on Tuesday night. We're spending tonight getting together more call lists and walk lists. Fun times to be had by all. If you want to help, come on over. ;)
I also have a list about a mile long of things that need to be done around the apartment. I made a small dent in it yesterday, but I'm so tired today, so I haven't worked on it. The way I see it, it's piled up so much already that one more day won't hurt in the least. :P
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Saturday, January 31, 2009
DeKalb Treasure
The first, and one of my particular favorites, is Paw Lickin' Good Treats.
Paw Lickin' Good Treats
2581 Sycamore Rd. in DeKalb (next to Aldi)

10:00 – 6:00 Tuesday-Friday
10:00 – 5:00 Saturday
11:00 – 4:00 Sunday
Closed Monday

Paw Lickin' Good Treats is owned by Jody Meerdink and Carol Dean. They have been in business here in DeKalb for 2 years. This store is a bakery (for pet treats, not human ones), with a focus on holistic and natural foods. However, they also offer a lot of regular pet foods, toys, clothing (for both humans and pets), and grooming supplies. They also hold obedience classes from time to time.

What makes this store different from other pet food stores? A lot of things. First and foremost is the owners' dedication to your pets. Jody is a certified trainer and has a PhD in research psychology. Not only is she a good baker, but she can offer lots of advice on pet training and behavior. They have been to workshops and training sessions on pet nutrition and bring what they know to their store in what they bake and foods they choose to carry. You will find everything from kibble, to canned, to raw meat diets, all with a nutritional, holistic focus.
This dedication also shows itself in the company they keep. Jody and Carol have really done their research, and they network with other natural/holistic pet food stores and veterinarians nation-wide to keep themselves educated on what foods are healthiest for your pet.

You will also find commercial pet foods that you won't find anywhere else in DeKalb. Jody said that they generally only carry foods produced by “companies with really good products but won't sell out to big box stores.”
And last, but certainly not least, you will find Emma and Billie Jo, the official PLGT mascots. They are two of the sweetest dogs you will ever find, and they are frequently hanging out with Jody and Carol behind the counter.
This is truly a special place. Please go and check it out, and if you do, give Emma a pat on the head from me.
Learn more about what PLGT has to offer by going to their website:
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Also, I got a call Tuesday afternoon. I got an interview for a job I applied for a few weeks ago.... it's the job I REALLY want. It's truly my dream job. I'm trying not to get my hopes up, but it's hard... I want it so bad!
So, all in all, today is shaping up a lot better than yesterday. :)
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Blargh (v.2)
On the plus side, I was able to get off work this afternoon. Now I can go to sleep. Sleep is good.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Blargh [updated]
On a related note, Gypsy Cold Care is awesome.
UPDATE: My roommate and his homemade soup/stew are awesome, as well.
However, going to work (where I care for 25 screaming school-aged children in an echoey elementary school gym) when I have a migraine/sinus headache REALLY sucks.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Foster Watch
Take this provision, for instance, buried deep in the Federal Stimulus Package:
None of the funds provided by this Act may be made available to the State of Illinois, or any agency of the State, unless (1) the use of such funds by the State is approved in legislation enacted by the State after the date of the enactment of this Act, or (2) Rod R. Blagojevich no longer holds the office of Governor of the State of Illinois.
Guess who put that into the bill. You guessed it: our very own Representative Foster, working along with Republican Mark Kirk from the 10th District.
Basically what this means is this: (from AdamB at DailyKos)
If you want the money, remove Blagojevich from power or otherwise pass a bill making clear that you trust him with the money. This provision ... could cost the state $50 billion in federal aid.
Also as AdamB points out, the Bill of Retainder Clause in the Constitution says that congress can't pass a law that punishes an individual without a fair trial. However, that's exactly what Foster and Kirk have done here. So, our governor's a laughingstock, and now our representatives don't know their Constitution? Illinois politics just gets better and better, doesn't it?
Plans for the Blog
However, my husband and I had a plan over the summer to start a website called DeKalb Treasures. But, we never got time to get it up and going. So, until we have time to create the site, I am going to do a weekly feature here at The Knitting Table. Every Friday, I will post about a little treasure that DeKalb (city and county) has to offer. Sometimes it will be local businesses, sometimes it will be historical sites, sometimes it will just be little hidden places of beauty that I have discovered. I hope to eventually make it a sort of visitor's guide to DeKalb.
So, if you're looking for something to do over the weekend, come on over here to The Knitting Table on Friday and see what treasure DeKalb has to offer you this week.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Knitting Funk
Second reason is books. Good books. I re-read the Ranger's Apprentice series (or what there is of it so far). The 5th one was released in the US not long ago, so I'm pretty excited. If you haven't read the ranger's apprentice, The way I describe it is this: Take the Lord of the Rings and the Knights of the Round Table, smash them together, and you have the Ranger's Apprentice. I'm also re-reading the Inheritance cycle (better known as the Eragon books). I'm halfway through Brisingr now. I've read all of these books in the span of about a week, starting right about the time I frogged that sock.
The third and last reason is politics. I'm really busy with the local elections. I am, of course, helping my husband, Jared Lash, in his campaign for alderman in Ward 6, and I'm also helping a candidate for township board, who is still collecting signatures. Hopefully he will have enough to file by tomorrow afternoon, since that's the deadline. I'm also managing Jessica Lyon's campaign for school board in district 428. She is an amazing candidate. But, all these campaigns mean a lot of work, so between that and my real job and reading, I have not much time for knitting. But, it's all been fun, anyway. :)